1. Override software rendering list
Overrides the built-in software rendering list and enables GPU-acceleration on unsupported system configurations. #ignore-gpu-blacklist
When is this needed?
When Chrome is not using hardware acceleration
To verify if Chrome is using hardware acceleration type in chrome://gpu/. If it says
Canvas: Software only, hardware acceleration unavailable
Then is clear that Chrome is not using hardware acceleration. To enable hardware acceleration
Search for "hardware" and tick the checkbox for "Use hardware acceleration..." in chrome://settings
Enable "Override software rendering list" in chrome://flags/
Relaunch Chrome. type in chrome://gpu/. If the message has changed to
Canvas: Hardware accelerated
Then Chrome is using hardware acceleration.
2. Fast tab/window close
Enables fast tab/window closing - runs a tab's onunload js handler independently of the GUI.
3. Smooth Scrolling Windows, Linux, Chrome OS, Android
Animate smoothly when scrolling page content. #smooth-scrolling
4. GPU rasterization
Use GPU to rasterize web content. Requires impl-side painting. #enable-gpu-rasterization

5. GPU rasterization MSAA sample count.
Specify the number of MSAA samples for GPU rasterization. #gpu-rasterization-msaa-sample-count = 2
6. Material Design in the rest of the browser's native UI
7. LCD text antialiasing
8. Simple Cache for HTTP
9. TCP Fast Open Linux, Chrome OS, Android
Enable the option to send extra authentication information in the initial SYN packet for a previously connected client, allowing faster data send start. #enable-tcp-fast-open
10. Zero-copy rasterizer
Raster threads write directly to GPU memory associated with tiles. #enable-zero-copy

11. Enable native notifications. Mac, Linux
Enable support for using the native notification toasts and notification center on platforms where these are available. #enable-native-notifications - The Chrome notifications goes through the OS

12. Number of raster threads
Specify the number of raster threads. #num-raster-threads = 4

13. Tab audio muting UI control
When enabled, the audio indicators in the tab strip double as tab audio mute controls. This also adds commands in the tab context menu for quickly muting multiple selected tabs. #enable-tab-audio-muting - This settings is amazing. It lets me mute a tab with embedded videos so that I can continue reading without wasting time looking for the exact location of the sound source.
14. Reduce default 'referer' header granularity.
If a page hasn't set an explicit referrer policy, setting this flag will reduce the amount of information in the 'referer' header for cross-origin requests. #reduced-referrer-granularity
15. Speculative Prefetch
"Speculative Prefetch" fetches likely resources early to improve load times, based on a local database (see chrome://predictors). "Learning" means that only the database construction is enabled, "Prefetching" that learning and prefetching are enabled. #enable-resource-prefetch
16. Off-main-thread fetch for Web Workers
If enabled, the resource fetches from worker threads will not be blocked by the busy main thread. #enable-off-main-thread-fetch
17. Enable browser side navigation
Use browser scrollbars instead of the scrollbars from the window manager of the OS
18. chrome://net-internals/#events
Net-internals is a browser's network diagnosis center. It includes information and tools to help you see the events has been captured, solve recurring problems, and solve network problems. If you encounter a DNS error page, you may have visited this page to refresh the cache.
19. chrome://components/
This command displays all components used in Chrome browser. Here we can see the version of commonly used Flash components and check whether there are updates.
20. chrome://about/
If the user is still confused about how to find these commands, enter the "chrome://about" command, which will include all the commands supported by the Chrome browser, divided into the Chrome URLs and the commands for Debug purposes.
21. chrome://media-engagement/
This page will show the frequency of visit to the video streaming sites. It also logs visits to sites you do not want to be logged. So that's some motivation to stay off the sites with amorous content.