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Run Quake III Arena in fullscreen 64 bit mode with DRI enabled in a Linux OS

Quake III Arena needs minimal OpenGL drivers. The requirements are a little different for each category of video cards. I would review them all.


Quake runs stright out of the box with these cards in latest Ubuntu's because the 64-bit drivers are in-built  but there are some hiccups.

1. Quake might open in windowed mode (if the resolution is set to a lower one like 640). To fix that set "Sticky edges" to ON in the DISPLAYS (Type "displays" in the Lens to access it.).

2. Quake might open in a huge window with all letters going out of the screen (if the resolution is set to a higher one like 1280). Exit quake by using the arrow keys. One up key pressed after the Start game is highlighted takes the highlight to Exit(maybe outside the screen). Press enter once. Gives Yes/No menu with No highlighted (may not be visible on screen). Press left arrow key once to highlight Yes (may not be visible on screen) and press enter twice. You would be out of the game. 

3. Quake might exit without reverting the original resolution of the desktop. 
Then open a console and type 

xrandr -s 2 

Intel i series GPU

i3 i5 i7

For these inbuilt processors we have to install the 64-bit version of the ia32-libs and ioaquake3.

ia32-libs : This would bring back all the textures and the vertex lighting.
ioaquake3 : This would run the game in full 64 bit OoenGL support

Engine Download for Linux (x86_64), 2.6MB.
MD5: 6ab2a126d4b9d622534c696be7e5155a

Data Installer Download for Linux, 27MB.
MD5: f171b986e508a808e6c6eaf67e9f1bc5

Final tweaks:

1. Game is too dark.

Bring down the console with ~  and enter the following commands

seta r_ignoreHWGamma 1
seta r_mapOverBrightBits 1

capitalization is not necessary

Still dark -- try increasing laptop/PC brightness

2. Mouse sensitivity too low.

Bring down the console with ~  and enter the following commands

\m_pitch 0.05
Default : 0.022

\m_yaw 0.05
Default : 0.022

m_pitch  - adjusts look up/down sensitivity of mouse
m_yaw  - adjusts turn side/side sensitivity of mouse
m_forward  - adjusts forward/back sensitivity of mouse
m_side  - adjusts strafe left/right sensitivity of mouse
m_filter <1|0> - ??

How to setup Widescreen in Quake 3

Type the following into the quake 3 console.
r_mode -1
r_customwidth 640 (replace with your own width)
r_customheight 848 (replace with your own height)
How to setup Widescreen in Quake 3

Type the following into the quake 3 console.
r_mode -1
r_customwidth 640 (replace with your own width)
r_customheight 848 (replace with your own height)

Set a width and height matching the aspect ratio you have. Here are some examples of resolutions (Width x Height):

852x480 16:9 Widescreen
1280x720 16:9 Widescreen
1365x768 16:9 Widescreen
1440x900 16:10 Widescreen
1680x1050 16:10 Widescreen
1920x1200 16:10 Widescreen
320x240 4:3 Aspect ratio
2048x1535 4:3 Aspect ratio

For an complete list of Quake III Arena options with  explanations see


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