Gedit by default do not wrap lines while printing. It justs cuts off the sentence when it runs into the margin.
This default behavior could be changed by editing the value of /apps/gedit-2/preferences/print/page/print_wrap_mode in the gconf-editor.
$ gconf-editor &
Goto /apps/gedit-2/preferences/print/page/print_wrap_mode
"GTK_WRAP_NONE" for no wrapping.
"GTK_WRAP_WORD" for wrapping at word boundaries.
"GTK_WRAP_CHAR" for wrapping at individual character boundaries.
source :
This default behavior could be changed by editing the value of /apps/gedit-2/preferences/print/page/print_wrap_mode in the gconf-editor.
$ gconf-editor &
Goto /apps/gedit-2/preferences/print/page/print_wrap_mode
"GTK_WRAP_NONE" for no wrapping.
"GTK_WRAP_WORD" for wrapping at word boundaries.
"GTK_WRAP_CHAR" for wrapping at individual character boundaries.
source :