In linux it is very easy. Install CUPS-PDF and print to PDF. I explained it in another post previously. But sadly, if I follow this printing procedure the hyperlinks are not preserved in the resulting pdf file. So the alternatively we can use htmldoc to convert HTML to PDF. The command is -
$ htmldoc lec.html --webpage -t pdf14 -f lec.pdf
--webpage : turns on the webpage mode.
-t : sets the output pdf type.
-f : output filename.
That's it. If you do not have htmldoc pre-install then install it with sudp apt-get install htmldoc in Ubuntu.
$ htmldoc lec.html --webpage -t pdf14 -f lec.pdf
--webpage : turns on the webpage mode.
-t : sets the output pdf type.
-f : output filename.
That's it. If you do not have htmldoc pre-install then install it with sudp apt-get install htmldoc in Ubuntu.