New commands To add your own commands, use the \ newcommand { name }[ num ]{ definition } \ newcommand { \wbal }{ The Wikibook about \ LaTeX } This is ‘‘ \wbal '' \ldots { } ‘‘ \wbal '' => This is “The Wikibook about LaTeX” … “The Wikibook about LaTeX” The next example illustrates how to define a new command that takes one argument. The #1 tag gets replaced by the argument you specify. If you wanted to use more than one argument, use #2 and so on, these arguments are added in an extra set of brackets. \ newcommand { \wbalsup }[ 1 ] { This is the Wikibook about LaTeX supported by #1 } \ newcommand { \wbalTwo }[ 2 ] { This is the Wikibook about LaTeX supported by #1 #2 } % in the document body: \begin { itemize } \ item \wbalsup { Wikimedia } \ item \wbalsup { lots of users! } \ item \wbalTwo { John }{ Doe } \end { itemize } This is the Wikibook about LaTeX supported by Wikimedia This is the Wikibook about LaTeX supported by lots of users! This...