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Showing posts from April, 2010

Okular does not exit full screen mode

See Description : Once the fullscreen mode is turned on in Okular it refuses to go back and hides even the menubar. Even pressing ctrl+shift+f does not help. Closing Okular and opening another file does not help. It stays in that fullscreen mode. Workaround : I am posting the workaround here. Unfortunately you have to manually edit the okularrc file each time you go fullscreen. Goto the folder $HOME/.kde/share/config (or a similar folder for kde4- .kde4/share/config/). Open okularrc in gedit. It would show something like - [Desktop Entry] FullScreen=true [MainWindow] Height 900=901 MenuBar=Disabled State=AAAA/wAAAAD9AAAAAAAABaAAAAOEAAAABAAAAAQAAAAIAAAACPwAAAABAAAAAgAAAAEAAAAWAG0AYQBpAG4AVABvAG8AbABCAGEAcgAAAAAAAAAFoAAAAAAAAAAA Width 1440=1441 [MainWindow][Toolbar mainToolBar] Hidden=true [Notification Messages] presentationInfo=false Enable the menubar : MenuBar=Enabled. Disable fullscreen : FullScreen=false Fire up Okular agai...

Linux keyring trouble

I keep getting this notice some time now while using Nautilus and Evolution. Enter password for default keyring to unlock Gnome Keyring is the method how Nautilus stores the passwords like the password manager in Firefox. And it needs a super pass for doing that. Just move the ~/.gnome2/keyring to somewhere else. If it still creates problems then more elaborate procedure is needed. See here -

How Hamilton invented the quaternions

This is not my post. I copied it from John Baez' site @ This describes how Hamilton invented the quaternions. In 1835, at the age of 30, Hamilton had discovered how to treat complex numbers as pairs of real numbers. Fascinated by the relation between complex numbers and 2-dimensional geometry, he tried for many years to invent a bigger algebra that would play a similar role in 3-dimensional geometry. In modern language, it seems he was looking for a 3-dimensional normed division algebra. His quest built to its climax in October 1843. He later wrote to his son: Every morning in the early part of the above-cited month, on my coming down to breakfast, your (then) little brother William Edwin, and yourself, used to ask me: "Well, Papa, can you multiply triplets?" Whereto I was always obliged to reply, with a sad shake of the head: `No, I can only add and subtract them". The problem was that there exis...